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ANZ Falcon® technology monitors millions of transactions every day to help keep you safe from fraud.
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The direct debits file upload tool in ANZ Internet Banking allows you to import an aba file, which consists of multiple payment details created using your accounting software.
ANZ Internet Banking for Business customers can import a payment file to create direct debits. To upload a file for direct debits:
Step 1 - Create your .aba file
ABA stands for Australian Banking Association.
Step 2 - Locate and upload your .aba file
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure you have uploaded the correct file.
Step 3 - View the user ID list
The "Direct debit" page will display each user ID along with the following details:
Step 4 - Select the relevant user ID
Ensure the correct user ID is selected, by selecting "Select".
This will again display a summary of the direct debit user ID information.
Please note that the multiple direct debit payments will all be processed as one credit to your selected account. You cannot select multiple accounts.
Step 5 - Check the direct debit details
The direct debit details are displayed including the user ID, credit account and direct debit client details from the imported file.
Step 6 - Enter the transfer date
Transfer date (one-off transfer): choose the date on which you want the payments to be credited to your chosen account. You can either:
Remember all the payments will be processed as one credit to your chosen account on this specified date so you only need to enter the date once. The date must be within the next 30 days.
Step 7 - Fill in your business name
Your/Business name: enter either your own name or the name of your business if appropriate. The name you enter:
Step 8 - Add more payments (if applicable)
The payment details from your .aba file will populate the payments list.
Step 9 - Click "Continue"
Step 10 - Review your information
Review all your information to ensure it is correct. If information is incorrect it may result in an unsuccessful transfer or the wrong payee receiving funds.
Step 11 - Confirm your payment
ANZ Internet Banking for Business Operators can click "Request authorisation" to submit the transfer to the relevant Authoriser or Administrator for approval.
Step 12 - View your lodgement receipt
Important notes
When you are making direct debits it is your responsibility to ensure the details you provide are correct.
Is your security software up to date?
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For further assistance please call the ANZ Internet Banking team on 13 33 50 (International callers: +61 3 9683 8833) 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Direct debit is a facility that allows you to draw funds electronically from debtors. It's a fast and efficient way to manage your cash flow and finances.
Yes. Even if you have registered for an ANZ Internet Banking for Business you must apply for the direct debits facility.
A direct debit facility can be activated within ANZ Internet Banking for Business if you are a relationship managed/business banking managed customer with a dedicated ANZ Relationship Manager or ANZ Business Banking Manager to look after your account.
Yes. There is a once-off direct debit user ID establishment fee of $200+GST.
No. The direct debit limit is independent of the daily Pay Anyone limit.
The minimum limit for a direct debit facility is $5,000.
No. Once set up the direct debit facility is valid until the specified expiry date; however a direct debit limit is renewed every cycle.
If you exceed your direct debit limit for your pre-determined cycle, ANZ Internet Banking for Business will reject the payment.
Yes. You can view the returned items associated with the direct debit payments done and the reason the item was returned (e.g. incorrect account or BSB, insufficient funds, etc) on the "Set up business Direct debit" menu.
Use the table below to check return codes and reasons.
Return code | Return reason |
1 | Invalid BSB number |
2 | Payment stopped |
3 | Account closed |
4 | Customer deceased |
5 | No account or incorrect account number |
6 | Refer to customer |
7 | Not Applicable (NA) |
8 | Invalid user ID number |
9 | Technically invalid |
Yes. You can make changes to the uploaded payment file before authorising the transaction.
The standard cut-off time for processing direct debit payments is 6.00pm Melbourne time on a bank business day.
With the direct debit facility you will receive the credit as soon as the direct debits are processed.
No. Direct debits cannot be set up as recurring transactions.
You can stop future dated direct debit transaction via the "Manage future payments/transfers" section under the "Payments" menu.
To delete future dated payments/transactions, the request must be lodged with ANZ Internet Banking prior to 11.59pm Melbourne time on the day prior to the payment/transfer date.
You will need the following information before you upload a payment file from any accounting software:
Use the table below to find out about the header section of an aba file.
Field | No. of characters | Character position | Mandatory | Description |
Record type | 1 | 1 | Yes | Value must be '0' |
Not in use | 29 | 2-30 | No | Leave blank |
Name of user supplying file | 26 | 31-56 | Yes | Must not be blank. Alphanumeric. i.e. Your/Business Name |
Not in use | 6 | 57-62 | No | Leave blank |
Description of entries on File | 12 | 63-74 | Yes | Must not be blank. Alphanumeric. i.e. Payments 06 |
Not in use | 46 | 75-120 | No | Leave blank |
Use the table below to find out about the detail records section of an aba file.
Field | No. of characters |
Character position |
Mandatory | Description |
Record type | 1 | 1 | Yes | Value must be '1' |
Client BSB number | 7 | 2-8 | Yes | Value must be numeric, and must contain a hyphen in 4th position i.e. 345-888 |
Client account number | 9 | 9-17 | Yes | Value must be numeric i.e. '123456' |
Not in use | 1 | 18 | No | Leave blank |
Transaction code | 2 | 19-20 | Yes | Value must be '50' |
Amount | 10 | 21-30 | Yes | Value must be greater than zero i.e. for $300.25 enter '0000030025' |
Client account name | 32 | 31-62 | Yes | Value must not be blank. Alphanumeric. |
Client message/ reference | 18 | 63-80 | Yes | Value must not be blank. Alphanumeric. |
Not in use | 32 | 81-112 | No | Leave blank |
Use the table below to find out about the file total record of an aba file.
Field | No. of characters | Character position | Mandatory | Description |
Record type | 1 | 1 | Yes | Value must be '7' |
Not in use | 19 | 2-20 | No | Leave blank |
File net total amount | 10 | 21-30 | Yes | Value must equal the sum of Amount in the Detailed records. i.e. for $300.25 enter '30025' |
File credit total amount | 10 | 31-40 | Yes | Value must equal 'File Net Total Amount' i.e. for $300.25 enter '30025' |
File debit total amount | 10 | 41-50 | Yes | Value must be '0' |
Not in use | 24 | 51-74 | No | Leave blank |
File total count | 6 | 75-80 | Yes | Value must be the number of rows in the Detailed records. |
Not in use | 40 | 81-120 | No | Leave blank |