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Superannuation explained

Learn how to maximise your super in 4 steps, so you can live the comfy lifestyle in retirement that you deserve.

Superannuation explained

Louis: Australians born in 1995 should currently have this much in superannuation to retire comfortably. Oh, wait. Oh my god, that's me. How do I even check how much super I have? Also, what is it all about?

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents: Superannuation explained. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: Liana! The way that I was mid spiral and you just appeared out of nowhere.

Liana: It's magic.

Louis: It's your special talent, isn’t it? Okay. Actually, while you’re here can you please help me upskill in superannuation? First question. What's the deal?

Liana: Well, superannuation is how you ensure a comfy lifestyle in retirement.

Louis: Comfy? I see what you did there. Your mind is powerful.

Liana: So super is where your employer pays a minimum of ten and a half per cent into an investment fund throughout your working life. And it's the law. If you're a freelancer or self-employed, you may need to pop that money in yourself. And that amount is actually going to go up to 12% by 2025.

Louis: Backtrack a bit. All I heard was the fact that I'm an investor. Am I investing?

Liana: Yeah. Yeah. So you're investing in your own retirement.

Louis: But how do I make sure that I've got enough super for, you know, the lavish lifestyle that I so desperately deserve?

Liana: Such a good question Louis. You’re definitely not alone in wondering that. So there are four Cs that I hope can help you out. Connect.

Louis: Connect.

Liana: Consolidate.

Louis: Consolidate.

Liana: Contribute.

Louis: Contribute.

Liana: And consider.

Louis: Consider. Okay.

Liana: So the first: connect with your super fund by jumping online, logging into your fund, even calling them directly and finding out how your super is performing, what your balance is, how it's invested. You've got to know what you're working with if you want to grow it. Number two do you remember number two? Consolidate?

Louis: Yes. I was just going to say consolidate. I was like consuhhh- And you took the words right out of my mouth. Yeah.

Liana: So if you've changed jobs a couple of times, you might have two or three super funds floating about. Consolidating them could make them grow more over time because you could be saving in fees. It's really easy to do via the ATO and they'll send you a list of any linked accounts that you have.

Louis: So like less fees so that retired me can you know, enjoy a couple of cocktails on a cruise from time to time got it! Old me will still have it.

Liana: Yes. What's your cocktail of choice?

Louis: Margarita.

Liana: Oh, same!

Louis: I knew we were one! The synchronicity.

Liana: So number three, contribute extra. The more you put in early, the more it will grow and the more you will have at retirement to provide you with that lifestyle. So if you have extra cash you don't need, you could put more into a super fund instead of a savings account. Remember, cocktails.

Louis: Cocktails on the beach? Yeah.

Liana: So you can earn more interest. Your funds will grow more over time if you put more into the fund. Plus, those extra contributions could be tax deductible to you. Just make sure you do your research.

Louis: And the fourth C?

Liana: Consider your options. Ultimately, this is your investment, so it's important to know where it's going. There are lots of different super funds out there with different fees, different investment options, different insurance, different ethics. There are a lot of different factors to consider when picking a super fund, so make sure you do your research and pick what's right for you.

Louis: This has been so helpful and I'm not spiralling anymore but where can one go if they don't have ANZ expert Liana Cauchi sitting beside them on a reclining couch, you know.

Liana: Well I'd jump back to the first C. Do you remember what that was?

Louis: Back to the beginning. Yeah, so… Next question?

Liana: So connect

Louis: Connect. Connect!

Liana: So jump online, log into your super fund, even call them and just ask them a few questions over the phone. You could also go to to access some great content to help you on this journey and make the most of your super at any age. It's really straightforward once you get started.

Louis: Some might say super straightforward. If you found this video helpful, go on. Subscribe to our channel. I need you. I'm lonely. And watch me as I upskill in a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. Oh, and don't forget to check the links in the description for some more handy resources. Shall we get comfy?

Liana: Sure. Okay.

Louis: Oh my god, this goes all the way back. Oh, I'm floating on a cloud. Oh, I'm floating on a cloud! Sleep in 3, 2, 1.

Liana: Glad I was that interesting.

How to build the ultimate budget

How much should you be saving every month? Learn how to build a budget that’s perfect for you and your needs.

How to build the ultimate budget

Louis: Gosh, little monstera. You've really come a long way, haven't you? Thank you for surviving. Mommy loves you. Now, if only my finances were this healthy.

Jade: Well, they can be.

Louis: Jade! What are you doing here?

Jade: I heard on the grapevine that you might need some help building a healthy budget.

Louis: Have my grapes really been gossiping about me again?

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents: How To Build The Ultimate Budget. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: So what makes a good budget? I mean, I feel like I have the basics down pat. I have a plan for my savings. I track my income, all of that good stuff. But I can never really get it quite right. You know what I mean?

Jade: I think the two biggest mistakes people make with their budget is that, one, they don't budget for everything. And two, they don't keep proper tabs on their progress.

Louis: Yeah, like I always forget to budget for things like I don’t know, a new washing machine or fun things like music festivals. Treat yourself.

Jade: You're not alone. It's easy to remember the big expenses, like rent and utilities and food, but often it's those little infrequent things that we forget. I was thinking maybe we could try breaking down all the different parts of your budget using these beautiful plants.

Louis: Okay, this one's giving house deposit. A little utility one. I think this one's giving transport. Sneakers for this one. Health care, 100%. Rent. Nah sorry. This snake plant is not giving fun fund. Eep! It just doesn't feel correct in my heart. It's giving more emergency medical expenses.

Jade: That makes sense.

Louis: You know what? This really does help to see everything visualised. Yeah. When it's in these smaller chunks, it feels a whole lot more manageable.

Jade: Louis, can I ask you a question?

Louis: Any time.

Jade: How do you eat an elephant?

Louis: Jade, I wasn't expecting you to ask that question. How do I eat an elephant? I don't know. I don’t know Jade, how do I?

Jade: One bite at a time. It's all about breaking it down into manageable chunks. You can even open up separate savings accounts for each thing in your budget so you can keep an eye on their individual progress. And it means you're earning interest on all that money before you use it as well. So it kind of like grows while you wait.

Louis: I'm with you. Also, no elephants were harmed in the making of this video.

Jade: I can also recommend doing it on an app so you can literally watch your balance grow. Sometimes numbers in a book or spreadsheet can feel too abstract and metaphorical. You actually have to see it happening.

Louis: Question for you- How much should I be saving every month?

Jade: Well, usually we want to aim for about 20% of our income going into our savings and then 30% of our income going into our wants and 50% of our income going into our needs.

Louis: You hear that babies... mommy needs an air fryer.

Jade: Mmmmm that’s more of a want.

Louis: You keep me humble. Well, if you found this video helpful, subscribe to our channel and watch me upskill on my financial wellbeing journey. Oh, and don't forget to check the links in the description for some more handy resources.

Jade: No.

Louis: Are you sure?

Jade: Yeah.

Louis: Oh!

What types of insurance do I need?

Understand how to protect yourself with different types of insurance. We talk about income protection, home insurance, and more.

What types of insurance do I need?

Louis: Rufus. I love you so much. I love you so much. I mean, yes, the studio handed you to me 5 minutes ago, but you are already the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. In my entire life. My entire life. I've already insured you for pet insurance. That's how much I love you. Oooh!

Liana: Louis, I'm so impressed. I love to hear you've got your insurance all lined up. You've really upskilled your financial wellbeing.

Louis: Thank you. I also just love how I can say insurance, And pooff- you just pop up out of nowhere like a genie.

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents. What type of insurance do you need? It’s okay, I didn't know either.

Louis: Life update. As you can probably see now that I have a dependent, I'm thinking of literally insuring every single thing in my life.

Liana: Everything?

Louis: Yeah why not?

Liana: That's great. But let's think about your priorities. So you're really getting what you need. It's important you start with insuring your greatest asset, Lou, which is you.

Louis: Me? You're saying that I should insure myself? Yeah. Are we flirting?

Liana: Haha, No.

Louis: Oh.

Liana: What I'm saying is, when you're thinking about what to ensure start by ensuring the things that affect you and your ability to live comfortably, so your health, your living expenses, your income, even your home. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen people who could have really benefitted from having insurance, but they either didn't do their research or they didn't think it was necessary.

Louis: Speaking of, I just have this feeling, this premonition that Rufus and I are going to break approximately 75 windows. It's just our vibe.

Liana: 75? Have you got 75 windows in your home?

Louis: 76.

Liana: So home and contents insurance can protect you from theft or damage caused by natural disasters, even accidental damage. So if you do break that window... but even damage to TVs, game consoles, computers, anything at home.

Louis: So if I just like drop-kick one of Rufus' toys into the TV. Covered?

Liana: Yeah. I mean, I don't recommend you do that.

Louis: No.

Liana: But if you did do it and it was an accident, then yeah. Home and contents can cover you. Just make sure you look into the terms and conditions. But another one to consider is income protection. So if you are unable to work due to sickness or accident, income protection will come in and pay you a percentage of your salary for as long as you can't work. So that makes sure that you can keep looking after this little guy and meet your living expenses, pay your mortgage, pay any loans. He just ate my finger!

Louis: I love that!

Liana: It's a good idea to have a look and see if you have it already. You might have some cover through your super fund and it might be enough, but it might not be. So some options could be topping it up through your existing superannuation provider.

Louis: Yeah! Come on. He's just chilling. He's doing his thing. Okay.

Liana: You could potentially upgrade that insurance or you could look at insuring outside of your super fund with a private insurer. Just make sure you do your research so you know what you need and what you're getting yourself into.

Louis: I hear that automatic insurance wasn't enough for Kylie Minogue? A friend of a friend said that Kylie Minogue insured her butt for like 5 million bucks just for safekeeping.

Liana: Of course. If I had a butt like Kylie Minogue I’d probably insure it for that too.

Louis: Thank you stranger who returned my dog into my house. Thank you.

Liana: So I mean, concert pianists may insure their hands or a sportsperson might insure their legs because that's how they generate an income. But every person's different. I think it's just making sure you look into what's important for you doing the research and going from there.

Louis: Well, I'm going to insure literally everything to do with Rufus because he's the love of my life. And, maybe my butt. Five mil?

Liana: Maybe six?

Louis: Yeah. If you've learnt a thing or two in today's episode, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill in my financial wellbeing journey, and check out the links in the description for more handy resources. Isn't he really, really hot? Like dog hot?

Liana: He’s really handsome.

Louis: Cover of Vogue?

Liana: Very handsome. Maybe?

Louis: Daddy loves you. Say it back. Say it back.

Liana: I think he likes me more.

Louis: Oh, yeah. Okay. That's fine. Haha.

How to start investing (for beginners)

Want to get into investing but don’t know where to start? That’s ok – we’ll get you up to speed in no time.

How to start investing (for beginners)

Louis: So we were waiting for our nachos to come, and then he starts talking about capital gains. I know! I just had to fake a family emergency and just get myself out of there. I've never invested anything in my life. I'm embarrassed. How am I meant to know this stuff?

Liana: It's actually okay not to know this stuff. It takes time and a few lessons from people who have gone through it already. Liana, you are just the person I needed in this very moment.

Louis: Sorry. I found an expert.

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents: How To Start Investing For Beginners. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: Okay. So I had this really awkward date last night with this regular “Wolf of Wall Street” kind of guy. And it just made me realise I know nothing about investing. Can you please help me upskill in a few things?

Liana: Yeah, absolutely. So what kind of investments are we talking about here?

Louis: Uh, yeah, that's kind of the most pressing question. I don't even really know where to start. I don't think I've invested in anything except myself.

Liana: Well, technically that's not true, most Australians are investing in a superannuation fund as soon as they start working without even knowing it.

Louis: So I'm an investor. Well, when should I start investing in other things?

Liana: Blazer looks fabulous.

Louis: Thank you. I’m an investor.

Liana: Well, if you have a bit of extra income or a goal you really want to work towards, then I would say the sooner the better.

Louis: Liana. This is really good stuff. Actually, I should write this down, I'm really feeling this CEO energy. What are my options?

Liana: You can invest directly in things like property, shares, cash or bonds. All of these involve investing in assets either on your own or via a broker or investment platform. Each comes with different risk levels, fees and charges. So it's really good to do some research or maybe even talk to a banker or an independent advisor about it. On the other hand, you could look at indirectly investing through a managed fund or an ETF, and that's where your money is pooled together with other investors and investment decisions are sort of taken out of your hands and managed by somebody else. It's a great way to get exposed to different markets and invest in asset classes you might not have direct access to on your own.

Louis: How much do I need to get started though?

Liana: It really depends on the investment type. So if you'd like to invest in shares, you could start with as little as $500. If you'd like to invest in managed funds and have someone else make those decisions for you, you might need a little bit more just to factor in brokerage and fees and getting someone else to set it up for you.

Louis: Wait before you go, capital gains. What's going on?

Liana: So capital gains - put simply - if you invest a dollar today and in 12 months time it's worth $2, the capital gain is $1.

Louis: Slay.

Liana: Where it can get a little bit more complicated is when we start talking about capital gains tax. I know, I know. It's frightening. So if you sell your investment within a year of buying it, any capital gains you made are taxed in full as normal income. But if you wait and your investment has been invested longer than a year when you sell it, you only get taxed half of your capital gains. So it's an incentive to hold onto your investments for longer than a year.

Louis: Okay, I think I'm ready for my second date now.

Liana: I'll leave you with this. The most important thing is to set clear goals so then you can make decisions that will help you get there. Short term, that could be a holiday backpacking around Europe. Long term, it could be a house deposit. If you know what you want to achieve, it's easy to cut back on spending now, so you reach your goals later.

Louis: So it's all about knowing what I want?

Liana: Absolutely.

Louis: Actually, ironically, that's kind of good dating advice as well. If you found this video helpful, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill in a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. Also click the links in the description for some more handy resources. Yeah. Gavin, I think I'm ready for our second date and I really want to talk about capital gains. I love you.

Liana: It's... second date.

Louis: I think...I think there's just bad reception on his end. He'll call back.

Liana: Yeah. Yeah! He will totally. How could he not?

Louis: Okay.

How to make passive income

And what is passive income, anyway? Watch Louis learn how to turn his side hustle into income.

How to make passive income

Louis: Check out these new wheels I bought without having to lift a finger. Hashtag passive income - Danny bought a car? How? Passive income. That's a thing? I thought you had to work for your money?

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents: How To Make Passive Income. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: Jade! Danny - How did he make enough passive income to buy a car?

Jade: Well, there are a few different types of passive income. Put simply, it's a way to earn money without having to work for it.

Louis: So how does one get paid without working? That sounds fun.

Jade: Well, it's important to remember that any passive income requires a bit of upfront work. For example, buying a property and renting it out is technically passive income, but it takes some time to set up. It's only really passive once you've handed it over to a property manager or a real estate agent who takes care of the day to day.

Louis: Okay. But like, what if buying a house is just a little bit out of my reach for the time being.

Jade: An easy form of passive income is just investing. You don't have to do much to earn interest. So you can look at what your bank offers. You get all sorts of things like term deposits, shares. Once you've built up your portfolio, you can just let it grow. And with a little more effort, some people turn their side hustles or creative projects into passive income.

Louis: Oh well, I design t-shirts. Do you reckon I could turn this into passive income? Do you like it? Would you want to buy one?

Jade: I suppose there's a market for everyone, but anyway, it can be a lot of work to turn your side hustle into a passive income. But let's say, for example, you had your t-shirt design and you found a printer to get them made, you could outsource your business to an e-commerce platform and they'll hold all your stock and fulfil all your orders for you. It would still take some upfront work designing the shirts, but they do the rest. So that's passive. Remember, you're still responsible for managing your own taxes, so make sure you do your research and keep your business expenses and income in a separate bank account from your personal one. And, you know, find a niche that responds to what you're good at.

Louis: Okay. You've made your point.

Jade: Look, if you've got an entrepreneurial mindset, which you clearly do, this is absolutely something worth exploring. You don't just have to sell the merch either. You could film an online course on how to make your own merch. You only have to film it once, but lots of people can keep buying it over time. And remember, you can always fall back on basic investing. If a side hustle isn't your cup of tea.

Louis: Thank you Jade. If you've also found this insightful, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill in a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. Oh, and check the links in the description for some more handy resources. And also check out my website. Do you want anything?

Jade: Oh, I like the fan.

Louis: $35.

Jade: Oh, that's expensive.

Louis: Premium.

How to manage your debt

Understand the truth about debt, and how to manage it so that it works for you.

How to manage your debt

Radio: There can be tax benefits from certain “good debts”.

Louis: Good debts? Hang on. Isn't all debt bad?

Jade: Actually, there is such a thing as good debt.

Louis: Jade! Weren’t you just on the radio?

Jade: Yes, I was. But now I'm here to help you understand the truth about debt, when it's bad, when it's good. How to manage it so it works for you.

Louis Voiceover: ANZ Presents: How To Manage Your Debt. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Jade: But first things first, you have to get your affairs in order. It's a whole lot easier when your accounts are all tidy.

Louis: So you're saying once I've sorted out my chaotic energy, it'll be easier for me to manage my debt?

Jade: Yes. If you can see exactly what you owe and how much income you've got coming in you can prioritise which debts you need to pay off first and you can make sure you're not adding to your debt or missing repayments. It's all about staying in control of your finances.

Louis: What's all this stuff that I hear about good debt? What's that even mean?

Jade: Well, good debt is when the benefits of the loan outweigh the debt. For example, a student loan might help you earn money later in your career. Or you know, a mortgage is technically a debt, but you could potentially earn a profit from selling your house if you eventually do. Also, if you're using your credit card wisely, that can be a clever use of debt too.

Louis: I'm struggling a bit. What do you mean?

Jade: Well, depending on the credit card, you could benefit from things like reward points or complimentary travel insurance. I bought an air fryer with my reward points last year.

Louis: Oh, my god. I'm jealous, did you?

Jade: Yes, I did.

Louis: Okay, tell me on three, what's your favourite thing that you made with an air fryer?

Jade: Chicken nuggets.

Louis: Beat me to it.

Jade: But yeah look you've got to use your credit card responsibly and not spend money you don't have. That's not a good use of debt.

Louis: So don't use your credit card like it's some magical ATM.

Jade: Yes, absolutely. Don't do that.

Louis: Where have you been my past 26 years on this planet Earth? I've needed you.

Jade: Ultimately, debt is just another tool for you to use. So you have to understand how it works and how you can use it efficiently to achieve your financial goals.

Louis: But what if you have different kinds of debt and you're struggling to know where to start?

Jade: Well, it's helpful to prioritise the soonest repayment dates, as these are the ones that are going to build up interest the longer you wait. You can also look into consolidating your debt, which is when you apply for a personal loan to pay off all your little ones, and then you can work on chipping away at one bigger loan over time. This makes it easier to manage, and sometimes you can even negotiate a lower interest rate overall.

Louis: Jade, I'm here with you and I'm so thankful. Do you like what I've done with the place?

Jade: Very neat.

Louis: Yeah. How nice is it?

Where can people go though to learn more about how to manage debt?

Jade: I'd highly recommend doing some research online, otherwise talk to your bank if you're struggling. Remember, they don't want you to do anything you can't afford. So they'll assess what works for you and help make a plan to keep up with your repayments.

Louis: Come on Jade, let's take a seat. It’s what we deserve. I'm proud of us.

If you found this video helpful, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill on a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. And don't forget to click the links in the description for some more handy resources.

Jade: I don't think that's a real light. It's not working.

How to avoid scams in Australia

Learn what red flags to look out for when it comes to avoiding scams in Australia.

How to avoid scams in Australia

Louis: Your account has been suspended. Click the link below to re-verify your account. Okay.

[very dramatic music]

Liana: No, wait, Louis, don't click it. It could be a scam.

Louis: Screaming, crying, throwing up. Did you just say a scam?

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents How to avoid scams in Australia. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: Liana, what would I do without you? But you have to hand it to me, this looks like a real text message. It even appears under a legit message thread. How do I know it's fake?

Liana: There are over 100,000 SMS scams reported in Australia every year and a lot of them ask you to log into your bank account via text. I know from working at a bank you'll never be sent a link to log into your bank account via text. The minute someone asks you to share any of your personal information via SMS, you should be suspicious, especially when it comes to your financial information.

Louis: Do people fall for it? I mean, I know I almost did.

Liana: Yeah, they do. I mean, around $63 million is lost in Australia every year through phone-based scams.

Louis: Did you say $63 million through phone scams? It's wild out there.

Liana: Yeah, it's wild out there. And they can get more sophisticated, too. There have been a few cases where people have received calls from people pretending to be superannuation funds and they have convinced people to transfer their lifetime retirement savings out of their superannuation funds and into their account. You should always be suspicious of any big organisation or government body who calls about personal stuff or threatens you or tries to gain access to your computer or online banking. But look, there's no need to live in fear. It's just about knowing what red flags to look out for.

Louis: Don't even get me started about red flags Liana, like I can walk into a room full of red flags and be like what shade of red? You know, it's a tough one for me. I'm going to need your help with this one.

Liana: Yep. I can help. I’ll just... Here’s something I prepared earlier.

Louis: Gold star Liana! This is impressive.

Liana: I know, right? So if it's a text or an email, think about if you are expecting the message, And is it from someone that you know and trust? Always keep an eye out for weird fonts, spelling mistakes, web addresses that don't look legit. So, like this comic sans font in, like, pink writing, it’s suss? Yeah. You know, use your common sense. I mean, the AFP is probably not going to text you and say you're under arrest. If it's a phone call, look out for private numbers. Dialling codes that you don't recognise, maybe prerecorded messages. Anything that asks for your personal information, and certainly those magic prizes as well. I mean, if anything sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There is also this really useful rule that I used to try and remember how to avoid scams. It's called PACT. So, Pause before sharing any personal information. A. Activate two layers of security. C. Call-out any suspicious messages. And T. Turn on automatic software updates.

Louis: That's actually really helpful advice. What do I do with the text, though? Like it's just sitting there.

Liana: Well, that one you should report immediately to Scamwatch and consider calling the bank or whoever it's from to report it to them as well. If you can. And, you know. Block that number.

Louis: One thing about me is I love blocking. A lot of DMs. Block, block, block! So I will block. So good riddance. Huh! Well, if you found this video helpful, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill on a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. Oh, and don't forget to click the link in the description for some more helpful resources.

Liana: Please don't block me.

Louis: You're sorted.

Liana: Great.

Louis: I could never block you.

Liana: Great.

Louis: I love you.

Liana: Great.

How to budget for travel

Do you really need travel insurance? And what do you need to budget for? Learn the lowdown on budgeting for your holiday.

How to budget for travel

Louis: No. I've got toothpaste. How many socks do I have? I can't handle this. My berets?

Jade: Maybe you’re missing a good budget.

Louis: Oh - Jade, what are you doing here? Scared, but also help me. I'm so stressed.

Jade: I'm here to help you pack. Well, at least help pack your mind full of knowledge about exchange rates, travel cards, budgeting and travel insurance.

Louis: Where do we start?

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents How to budget for overseas travel. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: I haven't gotten my travel insurance yet. I feel guilty. But is it 100% necessary? Do I need it?

Jade: It's highly recommended to get travel insurance and make sure you're covered with health insurance when you're traveling, too. We know that travel insurance usually covers things like canceled flights or lost baggage, and it may even cover medical care if you need emergency treatment overseas.

Louis: I just wish I hadn't left all of this to the last minute. I feel so silly.

Jade: Well, it is usually better to do it prior to leaving and do it in advance. In fact, the more things you can pay before you go, the more likely you are to get good deals and you won't run the risk of blowing your budget while you're overseas. Things like flights and accommodation end up getting more expensive as time goes on.

Louis: Honestly, that does make a lot of sense. Like paying a little now to avoid paying a lot later.

Jade: That's right. And if you have a credit card, it's worth checking if there's any travel insurance attached to that as well. Remember to check when it covers and what it doesn't.

Louis: Come to think of it, credit cards. Should I be using my Aussie bank card when I'm overseas? Or just like converting everything into cash before I leave?

Jade: There's a couple of ways to take money over. You could keep using your bank card, but it's worth checking if there are any fees or charges that might apply and what kind of exchange rate you'll get. Some cards might hit you with extra costs every time you use it. And don't forget to notify your bank if you travel. Otherwise, they'll flag it as fraud and then you’re without any access to money, And you'll have to call them to unlock your card.

Louis: We wouldn't want that.

Jade: Your other option is to load money onto a travel card, and that locks in your exchange rate before you go. So you won't risk losing value if the exchange rate fluctuates. Most cards let you load multiple currencies onto the card if you're visiting multiple destinations too.

Louis: Oh, so kind of like a card that speaks multiple languages? Un peu français, peut-être. Oui, oui ? Non non ? Baguette.

Jade: Oui ! But remember, it can be good to have a bit of cash on hand just in case you lose your card or you're in a situation where you need physical cash.

Louis: Oh, and when it comes to budgeting, what sort of things should I be looking out for?

Jade: Remember to budget for visas, flights, accommodation, and probably good to have an emergency fund as well because travel is full of surprises. What if you lose something valuable while you're there?

Louis: The only thing I plan on losing right now is the stress, all of the anxiety hanging over my head. Good vibes only.

Jade: Yes. Another tip is to set a daily spending budget, for example, $100 a day for food and for fun. Some days you might spend less, and some days you might spend more. But overall, you get a good sense of what you need and it's also a lot easier to keep an eye on your everyday spending.

Louis: Well, honestly, this has been so helpful. I love you. Are you sure you don't want to come? I wish I could pack you in my suitcase and just take all this advice with me.

Jade: Oh, I'd love to come

Louis: I think there's a little bit of space above the rainbow unicorn. But also, where does one go to get help? Because a lot of people won't be as lucky to have you next to them.

Jade: ANZ have a couple of helpful guides on their website and you can also hop on to to get some government advice on each destination.

Louis: Well Jade, this has been amazing and you know I love chatting with you, but there is a lot that I need to do in terms of packing. While I do that. If you found this helpful, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill on a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. Oh, and don't forget to click the links in the description for some more handy resources. Shall we try?

Jade: All right, let's go. Yeah.

Louis: Okay, great. So what you’ve got to do is just... Put a foot in?

Jade: Yeah, foot first, right?

Louis:  Oh, yeah no, we're onto something.

Jade: Yeah.

Louis: Yeah. Oh, come on. Do you trust me?

Jade: No.

Should I take out a personal loan?

Personal loans can be a helpful tool to allow you to achieve your goals.  Learn what to factor in when considering a personal loan.

Should I take out a personal loan?

Louis: Seem to be having a bit of car trouble.

Liana: Ha, you don't say.

Louis: Well, this leaves me with no other option than to upgrade my new wheels. My savings are going to take a hit, though.

Liana: Well, luckily, you've got options, like taking out a personal loan. But before you make that kind of commitment, I'm here to help you to consider all of the factors involved.

Louis Voiceover: ANZ presents should you take out a personal loan? It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: Maybe this really is it. This is the personal loan era of my life.

Liana: I mean, people take out loans for all sorts of reasons. But yes, a new car is actually a really good reason. Other reasons include home renovations, consolidating your debt, a big holiday, a wedding, even furthering your education.

Louis: Liana, that's great and all, but I literally just wrote off my car. You know, there are more pressing things at play here. So let's focus on up. Are there any alternatives to a loan?

Liana: Well you might have some savings that you could use. You may have been making additional payments into your mortgage that you could draw down on, maybe even funds in an offset account? If it's a smaller thing you could put it on a credit card, but I feel like this is not a credit card situation.

Louis: Question though: why choose a loan over a credit card? It seems a lot easier.

Liana: Well, your credit card balance is usually due within a month and can have a higher interest rate. So it's only really good for smaller monthly balances. If you need access to something big right now, like a car and you don't have that money in savings, a loan is one way to go. Or maybe you do have enough savings, But don't want to dip into your rainy day fund.

Louis: Actually, what is the interest rate on a personal loan, out of interest? I walked myself into that. I'm so sorry.

Liana: Well, it depends on who you get it from and the length and size of the loan. And it could be either a fixed rate or a variable rate. If you choose the fixed rate, the rate you start with is locked in and it remains the same for the duration of the loan.

Louis: Love that. Absorbing it all. So what do I get started? Like, how do I go about finding a loan that's right for me?

Liana: Well you can go online and take a look at the different providers. You can compare eligibility criteria, interest rates and product features based on what's most important to you. Or you can go to your bank and find out what they offer.

Louis: That's a really good tip. Thank you. Well, I look forward to getting this show on the road. But seriously, thanks Liana. I could never have done this alone. Why am I doing so many puns? I literally just wrote off my car. What is going on?

Liana: I don't know.

Louis: I should go peruse for some cars. In the meantime, if you found this video helpful, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill on a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. And make sure to click the links in the description for some more helpful resources. In what world would this happen? Crazy talk. This is a wild concept.

Liana: Don't go.

Hidden costs to look for when buying a house

It’s not just the deposit you need to account for when buying a house.  Learn the hidden costs to keep in mind as a first home buyer.

Hidden costs to look for when buying a house

Louis: Liana from ANZ. Quelle surprise! Welcome to my humble abode.

Liana: Thanks, Louis. It's great to be here. I mean, I like what you've... uh It's minimal, isn't it?

Louis: Yeah, well, it's- It's not much, but something tells me that's why you're here, To help me uncover all the hidden costs with buying a real house. Come on, let's take a seat.

Louis Voiceover: ANZ  presents What hidden costs to look for when buying a house. It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: So it's time. I really want to buy a home. I want to do it. Not that this one isn't enough. This is great. But I really want a place where I can nail, like, a million selfies onto my walls and renovate a bathroom. Buy a cat. I’m actually allergic to cats. Maybe even two cats. Treat yourself. But, like, when I search things online, I see things like stamp duty and my brain just goes- Kerck! Brr You know what I mean?

Liana: Yeah, I know.

Louis: It's a lot.

Liana: Yeah, it is. I know. It can feel really overwhelming but luckily these things aren't as complicated as they seem. Do you want to talk through a few of the different costs that might be applicable?

Louis: Yeah. Let's go on this journey together. As long as I have you by my side. Let's go stamp duty. I see it everywhere. Who is she?

Liana: The stamp duty is basically a tax that you pay when buying a property. The amount changes depending on the property and where you live. So every state and territory has different tax rates and different exemptions. You might not even have to pay stamp duty, especially if you're a first home buyer. So make sure you check out the rules about deductions you might be eligible for in your location. In addition to stamp duty, you've also got conveyancing fees which is when you get a conveyancer to check that there are no legal issues which will affect ownership of your property, and they'll also help with the transfer process.

Louis: Okay. I love learning things. Thank you. Yep. I'm taking it all in.

Liana: Excellent. Well, then you've got land transfer fees, which is a one off payment for legally transferring the land into your name. And there's lender's mortgage insurance, which is a one off fee that protects the lender If you default on your home loan. The amount of LMI you pay is calculated based on the size of your deposit.

Louis: Deposits? Yes. What's the deal?

Liana: So your deposit is a percentage of the house price that you pay upfront. The more you pay upfront, the smaller the amount you have to borrow will be.

Louis: So let's just say I've got all the costs saved up. I've got two cats. I've got the cat-induced allergies. What are the next steps?

Liana: Well, after you go to a doctor, go to your bank or mortgage broker for pre-approval on a home loan. So that's when they will look at your income, your borrowing capacity, and work out how much you can afford to borrow. And then you’re all set. You can go start looking around.

Louis:  So like, time for house hunting?

Liana: Yes, absolutely. So with your pre-approval in mind, you can start looking at houses within that limit. You could put an offer in if you're really keen or you could go straight to an auction.

Louis: Auctions are so scary, don't you think? I'm scared that I'm going to walk into an auction and have an itch on my elbow or something, and then I have to put a down payment down accidentally on a $7 million house.

Liana: Well, it's not as loose as that, but the more help and guidance you can get throughout your home buying journey, the better. It can be good to talk to a friend or a family member who's recently gone through the home buying process themselves. And if you're going it alone, which is totally okay, there are various online resources to help you. And when you're ready, head to your bank or broker to see what you can afford and what grants are available so you don't miss out.

Louis: One thing about me is I do not want to miss out. FOMO is actually my deepest fear. If FOMO is your deepest fear. Subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill on a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. And once again, don't forget all the links in the description for some more helpful resources. Do you get scared? Of FOMO?

Liana: FOMO? Sometimes. I try and just go for it.

Louis: All right. I'm spiraling. Really scared. FOMO. It won’t happen. But do you love what I’ve done with the place?

Liana: I do.

How do interest rates affect my homebuying journey? 

Watch to learn why interest rates change, and how they can affect your journey to buying your first home.

How do interest rates affect my homebuying journey? 

Louis: Australia braces for another interest rate hike. Jade! You gave me a fright! Almost as much as these interest rate hikes.

Jade: I'm not here to scare you, I'm here to help you understand how it might affect you.

Louis: Thank goodness. As you know, I'm trying to buy my first home and I feel like this is stuff I should know.

Louis Voiceover: ANZ Presents How do interest rates affect my home buying journey? It's okay. I didn't know either.

Louis: So what exactly does it mean if interest rates are going up? Like is it good? Is it a bad thing?

Jade: Well, it's a little more complex than that. On one hand, your borrowing power could be affected.

Louis: My borrowing power? Is this some superpower I should know about? Weee!

Jade: Well, kind of. It's basically how much your bank will let you borrow. So the size of the home loan you might be able to get. If interest rates go up, the size of the loan you're able to get may go down.

Louis: No offence, but can I choose a different superpower, please?

Jade: Wait, One of the good things about interest rates going up is that you can potentially push up the interest you earn on your savings. There's a higher interest rate on what you borrow, but you can also receive more interest on the money you saved in the bank.

Louis: Now that I can work with.

Jade: Whether it's a savings account or term deposit.

Louis: So it's this balancing act between knowing you might only be able to borrow less, but also potentially receiving more interest on the money I have in the bank.

Jade: Exactly.

Louis: When was the last time you've legitimately swung on a seesaw before?

Jade: Oh, when I was 12.

Louis: Okay, great. Oh, quick one- Why exactly do interest rates change?

Jade: So the Reserve Bank of Australia, Australia's Central Bank, set something called the official cash rate. Put very simply, this is the interest rate for banks and lenders borrowing from other banks and lenders. The RBA looks at a range of factors and then decides to either one, lower the cash rate to encourage people to spend and borrow or two, raise it to keep the inflation in control. Or three, leave it the same. And then usually that decision trickles down to banks' interest rates for what customers borrow and save. Now, unfortunately, none of us can predict the future, so we can't know what kinds of changes might be on their way. Changing interest rates could even affect national property prices. But there are a few ways to feel prepared for big economic shifts.

Louis: And I do love to feel prepared.

Jade: Firstly, buy what you can afford, it's generally not a good idea to buy something on the cusp of what you can afford. Try to leave a buffer. Work with your bank to get a home loan you can afford, not just today, but also in the future if interest rates change.

Louis: Don't live  on the edge. Got it.

Jade: Two consider what loan structure works for you. Fixed interest rate variable interest rate or even a split between the two.

Louis: Another thing about me Jade is I love to keep my options open. You're learning so much about me.

Jade: And thirdly, do your research. Speak to your bank or broker, and have a good, hard look at the market so you're feeling as ready as you possibly can for any changes that may come your way.

Louis: You're so majestic with your knowledge. Thank you, bestie. If you're ready to do some research with me, subscribe to our channel and watch me as I upskill in a whole lot of other financial wellbeing topics. Oh and don't forget to check the links in the description for some more handy resources.

Jade: Oh!

Louis: Ooooh! I could stay here for hours with you Jade. Literal hours. This is so much fun. The serotonin that's seeping through my veins right now.

Jade: Probably a bit of endorphins.

Louis: Ah yeah. What you said.

Jade: Okay.

These videos are for general educational viewing only.  ANZ does not generally provide a Financial Advice service.  The information in these videos is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. By providing this information ANZ does not intend to provide any financial advice or other advice or recommendations.  Do your research and consider what is right for you: you should seek independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to your particular circumstances. Information current as at 31/01/2023
