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Now it’s personal.
ANZ Falcon® technology monitors millions of transactions every day to help keep you safe from fraud.
Falcon® is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation.
At ANZ, we'll support you if you're impacted by family violence or financial abuse. Call 000 if you are in immediate danger.
Family violence is when one person uses power and control over another person and it can take many forms. It includes any behaviour that is threatening or controlling that can cause you to fear for your own safety.
Sometimes it includes physical abuse. Sometimes the person uses other ways of maintaining power and control.
Family violence can happen to anyone regardless of age, culture, sexuality or religion. It can occur between current or former partners, carers, parents and children as well as between relatives and any cultural kinship connection or family-like relationship.
Financial abuse is a form of family violence that can be overlooked because of other more visible forms of abuse taking place. It includes actions that may limit your access to money.
Warning signs include:
Find out how to recognise financial abuse and what you can do about it in this guide (PDF).
Our specialist financial difficulty team understand the impacts of family violence and financial abuse.
They can support you if you're struggling to make repayments on loans, credit cards and overdrafts or if you need to discuss possible financial abuse.
Learn how to apply for assistance.
You can appoint someone to help you with your banking, such as:
Complete and follow the instructions in this form (PDF) to appoint someone you trust.
If you are concerned about yourself or someone you know, we are here to help.
We know it's not easy to ask for assistance. But our bankers can help you manage your money safely.
We'll do our best to keep your contact with us confidential. And we'll treat you with sensitivity, respect and compassion.
When we connect, we'll ask about the safest ways and times to contact you. If you need extra support, we can refer you to external services that can assist you.
We can organise an interpreter if you need one, including an Auslan interpreter. We can also support calls using the National Relay Service.
Get account statements and other documents free of charge from us if you need to.
Help you change your address if you have moved. Be aware that your address will be visible to joint account holders on statements. Please contact us if you need assistance.
Keep your personal information safe when you bank with us. Learn how to bank securely.
Investigate payments or transactions which you are concerned may have been done by someone other than you or without your authorisation. You can report bank fraud to us and we'll investigate.
Stop any data sharing under the Consumer Data Right (Open Banking).
Change your PINs and passwords, especially if you are concerned someone else knows or is using these without your permission.
Help you if you want to change your joint account to 'two to sign'.
Give you more time to respond to requests for information if you are in financial difficulty.
Deal with inappropriate language, harassment or abuse in the free text messaging description fields of electronic transactions.
General enquiries 13 13 14
If you're overseas, +61 3 9683 9999
If you're deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment, call 133 677 or visit the National Relay Service.
Call ANZ Customer Connect on 1800 252 845
You can also apply for financial hardship online or at your nearest ANZ branch.
1800 RESPECT is a 24-hour hotline that provides help for any Australian who has experienced or is at risk of family violence and/or sexual assault.
Call 1800 737 732 or visit