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How to have multiple streams of savings

All roads lead to your goals. And when it comes to saving, it’s best to think in multiple streams – short, medium and long-term – as saving regularly towards a variety of goals could help you achieve more.

Three ways to split your goals

Look at how you can spread your savings across these streams. Once you reach one target, you can start putting that money towards your other goals to help you achieve more.

Short term

Little items that are just a bit out of your current budget (think new appliances, a new bike and local getaways).

Medium term

Taking a bit more time or a bit more sacrifice (like a new car, an epic holiday or even things like planning a wedding and an emergency fund).

Long term

These are the big costs that can take years to achieve (buying a home and retirement are two of the biggies).

One goal you won’t want to forget

Our biggest tip? Make one of your savings goals a financial cushion.

Your 'rainy day' (or emergency) fund doesn’t need a specific amount in it, but a buffer may help when unexpected expenses crash into your life.

  • As a start, aim for having $1,000 in savings just in case. And then keep going (that’s the real trick!).

  • A great longer-term target is three months of your full-time salary locked and loaded in case you ever need it.

  • If you earn $80,000 a year, you want to have a buffer of about $20k long term – which will take you three years to bank up if you’re saving $555 a month.

Brain hack

It’s one thing to set a goal, but what’s going to help you achieve it is keeping track of it. This is known as the 'goal gradient' and studies show that tracking your progress actually increases your motivation incrementally – as you see yourself get closer you become more motivated to achieve it.

You can do this in so many ways – a paper tracker on your fridge, a note on your phone, or even by checking in on your savings account regularly (ANZ even lets you set your goals and track your progress in the app, giving you little burst of progress pride every time you check your account).


The information set out above is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information, you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. By providing this information ANZ does not intend to provide any financial advice or other advice or recommendations. You should seek independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to your particular circumstances.
