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Aus sex discrimination commissioner: six ideas for better gender equality and better companies

Former Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner

2014-08-25 13:28

Six themes for better gender equality in companies – and better companies

1. Be visible internally and externally to progress your career. Sponsorship is important, put yourself out there – for example speak at events.

2. Women need to see high profile female role models. It's not that women are not as confident as men. But it is harder to be confident sitting outside the dominant grouping – men.

3. Women are less prepared to put themselves forward and the media is reluctant to take the extra steps necessary to find women who may not be as visible as men. 

4. Corporate focus needs to shift from one type of “ideal” worker. Organisations must foster a variety of working models, for a range of needs, beyond just parenthood.

5. Men are promoted significantly more than women which helps them be business leaders. More women can be promoted working part time when organisations create jobs in all shapes and sizes.

6. Research is conclusive that boards with no women are not doing the best for the company. The best performing boards have three or more female board directors.

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

Aus sex discrimination commissioner: six ideas for better gender equality and better companies
Elizabeth Broderick
Former Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner