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Shoppers double their use of mobile payments this Christmas period, ANZ

2018-12-17 21:45

ANZ today revealed customers’ use of mobile payments has increased more than 100 per cent compared to last year as shopping escalates in the lead-up to Christmas.

The bank’s data analysed customers’ transactions across October, November and December in 2017 and across October and November in 2018.

It showed customers used their mobile device to pay for things 120 per cent more in October 2018 compared to the same time last year with department stores, delivery services, electronics, beverages and hardware all featuring in the top shopping categories.

Supermarkets, petrol stations and cafes are some of the most popular categories for shoppers during the rest of the year, but there is a clear change throughout October and November as more customers opt for online shopping and delivery services.

Commenting on the data, ANZ Customer Engagement Lead Kath Bray said: “Customers are using their devices to pay for a broader range of things more often as people get used to this technology. We expect this growth to continue into 2019 and beyond.

“During the year customers predominantly use their smart phone or watch to pay for everyday items, but as we get closer to Christmas we see more customers using it at department stores, electronics outlets, hardware and food and beverage retailers,” she said.

ANZ data also showed customers used mobile payments 83 per cent more during November this year compared to last year with department stores and beverage outlets popular.

Separate analysis of ANZ merchant terminals revealed daily transaction volumes have increased nearly 20 per cent compared to last year, while ATM volumes were flat.

ANZ offers a broad range of mobile payments that work across smart phones, wearables and tablets and was the first major Australian bank to offer Apple Pay after launching the service in April 2016.

For more information about ANZ’s range of mobile payment options, visit:

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For media enquiries contact

Nick Higginbottom

+61 403 936 262

Shoppers double their use of mobile payments this Christmas period, ANZ

