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ANZ activates relief package for customers impacted by Cyclone Marcus

2018-03-20 08:01

ANZ today announced an assistance package for customers affected by Cyclone Marcus in the Northern Territory.

As part of its relief package, ANZ offers to:

• Suspend repayments on loans, including credit cards, for up to three months (which may include interest capitalisation)

• Waive fees associated with restructuring business loans considered necessary due to fire impacts

• Enable access to term deposits early without incurring any fees for impacted customers

• Waive fees associated with replacement of damaged business EFTPOS/credit card terminals

• Assist affected customers with Home and Contents insurance may be eligible to receive assistance including emergency funds and temporary accommodation

• Waive life insurance premiums for up to three months for eligible customers of ANZ or OnePath, a company of ANZ.

ANZ General Manager, Northern Queensland and Northern Territory, Tony Tapsall, said: “This has been an extremely difficult time for people in Darwin and the surrounding area. We intend to do anything and everything we can to help, and hope this package will provide some financial relief.

“At this point, it’s important for our customers to focus on getting back on their feet and as opposed to any financial anxiety they might be feeling,” Mr Tapsall said.

ANZ’s customers affected in the Northern Territory are encouraged to visit their local branch if they are able or to contact their relationship manager to discuss the impact on their business or personal circumstances.

Customers can also contact ANZ’s dedicated financial hardship team on 1800 149 549 or

To lodge an insurance claim, customers can call 13 16 14 or visit

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For media enquiries contact

Francesca Rizzo

+61 481-014224

ANZ activates relief package for customers impacted by Cyclone Marcus
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