ANZ today announced it has retained its market-leading status in Australian dollar clearing services and increased its market share, according to this year’s syndicated survey conducted by US-based market research agency, FImetrix.
The 2022 AUD Clearing Services Bank to Bank Review survey recognised ANZ’s approach as the most holistic of all domestic banks, with ANZ Relationship Managers ranking first in measures for calling frequency and building relationships.
The FImetrix survey named ANZ the most technologically innovative Australian bank and said it is considered the core AUD provider to more than half of all banks globally. Survey feedback also revealed clients value ANZ’s international footprint, which spans more than 30 markets and differentiates ANZ as the most international of the Australia and New Zealand banks.
ANZ Managing Director Transaction Banking Lisa Vasic said: “ANZ has retained and grown our market leading status across all 17 key selected measures – despite coming off the back of two years of significant market dislocation.
“Offering the best AUD and NZD clearing services for our customers is a priority focus for our Institutional business, and a key pillar of our platform proposition so it’s pleasing to see this focus recognised by the market.”
ANZ Global Head of Financial Institutions Group Mark Harding said: “The survey results are a credit to our team and highlight the strength of ANZ’s international presence.
“We are focused on supporting our foreign bank clients, and will keep investing in our people, capability and platforms to provide first-class guidance, support and solutions for our customers.”
FImetrix survey ANZ highlights for 2022 include:
· #1 for AUD Bank-to-Bank services
· #1 in overall satisfaction in Australia
· #1 in overall relationship management and customer satisfaction
· #1 in commercial payment relationships and services in Australia
· #1 in relationship manager/sales satisfaction
· #1 in wholesale clearing relationships in Australia
FImetrix, a US-based market research agency specialising in Bank-to-Bank services, has carried out its AUD survey every two years since 2008. The survey compares the clearing services of all local banks, including foreign banks operating within Australia. The 2022 results were based on interviews with 113 banks across five regions.
For media enquiries contact
Siobhan Jordan
+61 403 988 326
ANZ Institutional named #1 across the board in FImetrix Bank to Bank Services Review survey
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