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bluenotes is ANZ's forum for news, insights and analysis on financial services, the economy and technology.

  • Economy

    China tariff: ongoing “Whac-A-Mole” game

    Raymond Yeung and Vicky Xiao Zhou Chief Economist, Greater China and Economist, ANZ

    The Whac-a-Mole game is a great analogy that captures the dynamic nature of US tariff and China’s responses. China needs to “pop up” in other locations until the next hit.

    2025-02-12 00:00
  • Scams

    Protect your business from scams

    Cosi De Angelis Head of Transaction Banking, ANZ

    The nation’s small businesses drive so much of the economy, but they are increasingly exposed to scammers using the latest AI. Here is how they can protect themselves.

    2025-02-12 00:00
  • Economy

    TikTok, Instagram and viral food stardom

    Sara McCluskey Head of Diversified Industries, ANZ Institutional

    In this era of social media, a single viral thread can made stars of everything from cucumbers to Dalgona coffee. But what does this mean for the vast sector that makes and supplies our food and beverages? More than you might think.

    2025-02-06 00:00
  • Economy

    A fertile time for markets?

    Lakshman Anantakrishnan Chief Investment Officer, ANZ Private

    The year starts with the most ‘constructive’ outlook for risk assets in several years, but investors should expect the unexpected in 2025.

    2025-01-29 00:00
  • UPDATED read, watch, listen: bluenotes’ 2024 content stocking

    Shayne Elliott, Maile Carnegie, Kevin Corbally, Antonia Watson and more!

    We've engaged with senior leaders across Australia and New Zealand to find out which stories have resonated with them the most this year - or those they are looking forward to exploring

    2024-12-12 00:00
  • ANZ News


    Jill Campbell Head of Investor Relations, ANZ

    ANZ’s 2024 Annual Meeting General was held in Melbourne. The chairman and CEO outlined the highlights, opportunities and challenges for the year ahead.

    2024-12-19 00:00

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